Author Connie Suttle

Author Connie Suttle:
Urban Fantasy/ Young Adult

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Blood Double Release

Happy Wednesday, everybody. Blood Double is now available at Amazon AND Happy reading!


  1. Is this a sequel/parallel to the blood destiny series? There was mention of the god wars in the last book.

  2. Hi, Matthew!
    Yes--Blood Double is the firsst of the God wars series and includes characters from all my series--Lissa, Ashe, Reah, plus some new faces :)

    1. Awesome :) already downloaded to my kindle. I'll be sure to post a review once i finish reading it.

  3. I can't find it! Will have to check back every minute on amazon UK so I don't miss it.

  4. Bless you for releasing this early! May 15th is my daughter Lyssa's high school graduation. Obviously a huge conflict for me. My daughter might not have won!

    1. Yay! Congratulations to your Daughter on her achievement--that's wonderful :)

  5. WOW!!!!! OMG, it was so good I am ready to throw in curse words! And I want to punch a Roman Vampire A**hole and his brat of a kid! Your books are wonderful, and this one was beyond that! I couldn't put it down! Thank you so much for making a series of books and characters that truly entrance the readers!

  6. The book was great, just 1 question. So, in 'Deamon's dream' you find out that Ashe's mother(biological) is Lissa's great-grandmother but as Lissa's half sister she is also Breanne's so isn't she related to Ashe which make her attraction to him before he shouts at her a bit weird. So, I've proberly gone wrong at some point so please could you explain what's going on. (P.S. this book was so amazing I can't wait for the book when you explain what happened in her childhood completly- I'm a book junkie I can't wait for next month- will the release be planned for the 10th-15th ot the 1st-5th?
    Just because I have to repeat the sentiment your books are awsome!

    1. Lissa is related to Ashe through her mother, Harriett, and her grandmother and great-grandmother, all Elemaiyan. Breanne had a different (human) mother. Lissa is related to Breanne through Griffin, their father. Griffin is not related to Ashe, therefore Ashe is also not related to Breanne.

    2. also, Blood Trouble probably won't be released until the 15th of June, at the earliest. I will be in the UK May 20-June 2, so that will put a crimp in working on the book. Thanks, too--so glad you enjoyed Blood Double :)

  7. (Sorry for the lack of punctuation in the last bit)

  8. Loved the Blood Double can't wait for Blood Trouble. I hope you have a good time in the UK. Maybe when you get a chance you could think about making a whole family tree diagram, some of these things are really getting confusing.

    1. That's on the list--I just don't know how quickly it might happen. Sorry :(

  9. Blood Double. what can I say?? Great start to another story arc. Thank you.

    Your blog - I just went through the entire blog from day 1 to here ... what a treasure trove. I am amazed at information and interaction between Connie and us (her fans), if you have not taken the time to go through the blog, I believe you are doing yourself a major disservice.

    I know it has been mentioned a few times, but I would like to add that I also would be happy to pay for a copy of the collected short stories :-)

    1. Thanks, Larry!
      As far as the short stories go, I've been working on a revamp of a short about Devin, Crane and dragon, titled "Solstice Trials." I personally love the story, so maybe I'll get it done one of these days and put out that collection :)

  10. I agree. I would love to read short stories on our other characters.

  11. So, when is the newest book going to be available?
