At this writing, I have twenty self-published books. In a
few weeks, I'll have twenty-one. Yeah, I write (and read) fast. I'm not writing
a book a month, plus editing, revising, et cetera, though (although I've come
close). You do not want to guess at my mental state or the level of eye strain
after that happens!
The truth is—I've been writing for six years, now. Some of
you (who've read my blog since the beginning) know that I began writing
seriously in my husband's ICU room while he was unconscious and breathing on a
vent. I wrote to save my sanity. To get away from the crushing reality that
threatened to destroy me at the time. I wrote Adam and Kiarra's story with the
sound of air being forced into my husband's lungs and the quiet beep of the monitor
close by.
The first twelve books I wrote were about the Saa Thalarr.
All twelve of them need to be rewritten, as I was in a learning process then (I've
made progress on rewriting Hope and Vengeance, the first one). But that's not
really what this blog is about. What it's really
about is my characters.
gotten requests from readers, asking for permission to use my characters. Some
of those requests aren't very clear as to what they plan to do with my
characters should I give permission. Frankly, the whole thing is a little
frightening. Therefore, I thought I'd spell all this out as well as I could:
If you have plans to publish any of my
characters/races/worlds for personal gain, I will hire an attorney. My
characters are certainly products of my imagination (Larentii, Lion Snake
shapeshifters, Ra'Ak, etc.) and I don't want to see any of them in anyone
else's published book, short story, novella and so on. I will not approve any
of those requests.
I (probably) have no control over fan fiction,
although I'd prefer that you didn't take my characters out of context or make
them do things that their characters would never do (See Stephenie Myers'
Twilight series, which turned into a fan fic piece now titled Fifty Shades of
Grey). The names are changed, obviously, for the FSOG books, but I've read an
excerpt from the original piece, so there you are.
If you plan to write a fan fic piece for your own personal satisfaction, I
really don't have a big problem with that. I've actually written one myself
that will never, ever see the light of day, so don't ask. Granted the other
author's characters are only in the background, but that's neither here nor
there. I sure don't want to upset or step on another author's toes, I just
wanted to get the story out of my head. Therefore, if that's what you plan to
do, and never intend to publish the story for your own personal gain or twist
my races or characters or worlds into something they would never be or make
them do things they'd never do (sigh), then go ahead and work it out of your
system. I understand writing as therapy all too well.
Please don't send me story ideas or any
other ideas (for characters/races/worlds, etc.) I CAN'T USE THEM!!!!! Not
only are there legal reasons for this, those are YOUR ideas, not mine, therefore you should write your own story.
After all, they are a product of YOUR
imagination, not mine, and consequently, nobody will ever know them as well as
you do. Writing can be tough at first, but trust me, if you're serious about
it, it gets a lot easier as you go along. For me, writing is as natural as
breathing, now. So—if there are people holding conversations in your head, and
they're a product of your imagination (not mine) then sit down and write it out!
said all that, here's an update:
Demon's Dream is coming along, and should
hit the projected March 15th date, if not before (barring unforeseen
difficulties). I've also gotten more work done on at least three of the four (so
far) God Wars books.
And, if you'd like to meet other fans, speculate,
commiserate or verbally trash any characters, story lines, etc., then visit There are lots of things going on over there!
P.S. If you'd like to sign up for the
newsletter (where you may get snippets you won't get anywhere else) send an
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